The Environment


- Replaced all Christmas lights with led


- Replaced all indoor lights with led

- Putting washing machine on only at night


- Completing all work from home

- No longer traveling


- Using a convection oven instead of a wall oven


Replaced fridge with low energy model


- Working more from home

- No longer flying


- Visited a nature reserve

- Recycling all plastic wrap, ziplock bags, clear & frozen food bags


- Received a new low energy tv


- Visited an eco house

- Visited an environmental museum

- Attended an environmental conference 

- Ended dishwasher use


- Replaced a desktop computer with a laptop

- Replaced use of all plastic grocery bags for the green bin with bread bags

- Replaced use of bags with box inserts for garbage

- Visited a nature reserve


- Attended the Green Living Show for the first time

- Commenced Time of Use Rates for hydro

- Replaced plastic garbage bin bags with leftover soil and seed bags


- Shared residence with more people

- Installed recycled roof

- commenced bird study


- Received the smallest size of the new city issued garbage bins

- Observed Earth Hour for the first time

- Reduced wasted energy by un-pluging electrical items that are not often used

- Reduced use of humidifier from every other day in Winter to only during very dry periods

- Reduced use of dehumidifier to only be used on damp days

- Reduced heat by turning the temperature lower

- Received new large blue recycle bin

- Increased weekly Recycle rate from 75-95%

- Reduced bags in garbage from 3-2 per week

- Began to recycle plastic bags & wrap

- Began to recycle take out food containers &
foam trays

- Began to ask for no bags at food & drug stores that have bags and also for a paper bag if possible at clothing stores

- Measured carbon footprint

- Began to let dishwasher air dry

- Replaced drafty side door with new sealed one

- Coordinated first shoreline cleanup


- Reduced water use 

- Reduced light use further by using only when needed

- Reduced use of washing machine & dryer to 
4 uses per week

- Reduced use of dishwasher from 3-2 times per week

- Started to recycle paint cans & more plastic containers

- Reduced use of plastic bags in garbage 
from 5-3 per week

- Reduced Air Conditioner use from 2-1 and only in use on very hot days

- Reduced use of fans 

- Reduced waste garbage from one bag a month to one bag every other month 

- Began restoration of the shed by painting the outside and patching holes

- Added a new section to the gas boiler tank to stop water leaking 

- Installed heat reflectors

- Started to recycle batteries & ink cartridges

- Adopted a Polar Bear

- Reduced use of outdoor Christmas lights from 5-4 hours per evening & used more LED lights

- Had 49 trees planted in the Amazon Rainforest

- Saved 25 square feet of rainforest

- Saved 2,710.14 KG of CO2 emissions


- Replaced a 1987 washing machine with a 2005 model

- Reduced plastic bags in garbage from 7-5

- Reduced water use

- Reduced newspaper delivery from 7-1 days a week

- Reduced use of all lights including turning them off more when not needed

- Reduced use of all outdoor lights

- Reduced heat use by keeping the furnace off till November

- Reduced use of dishwasher from 4-3 times per week

- Reduced use of kitchen vent fan to only use when there is an odor or cooking with grease

- Reduced use of washing machine & dryer from 6-5 times per week

- Now uses only tokens instead of bus tickets

- Reduced use of Christmas lights by one less string, and on less then one year ago 


- Reused old stones as part of a new water feature


- Restored older swing chair with new seat

- Received green bin

- Began to recycle all food waste, tissues and soiled items in new green bin

- Reduced use of outdoor lights

- Began to turn out lights when watching evening TV

- Began to keep oven light off except when checking food condition


- Installed new tiles on top of old basement floor

- Began to use cloth napkins

- Replaced dishwasher with new lower energy model

- Reduced use of washing machine & dryer from 7-6 times per week

- Began to use rechargable batteries

- Began to use LED Christmas lights


- Installed new low energy shower head & taps

- Bought a new low energy air conditioner


- Installed new lower energy basement lights

- Reused patio stones in new area

- Increased recycle by adding plastic containers

- Bought a digital camera 


- Reused old playground and turned it into a garden

- Used the water in the dehumidifier to water hedge

- Turned off computer when not in use


- Used excess carpet from front steps for bathrooms in Winter


- Installed new lower energy furnace

- Began to recycle milk/juice cartons & juice boxes

- Received a rain barrel to use rain water to water the grass & garden

- Replaced dead hedge with new evergreen hedge

- Planted an evergreen hedge around the back yard to reduce pollution from traffic 


- Low energy fridge was bought for basement

- Installed new metal back door

- Received grey bin, a seperate bin for papers

- Had a new bath tub fitted over the old one

- Installed new low energy toilet

- Installed old toilet in basement

- Began to recycle foil dishes


- Began to use paper bags for lawn recycle to replace plastic

- Re-used old front fence in back yard


- Began to clear out basement with most items being paper going right to recycle

- Created a flower garden in the front yard

- Bought a new lower energy grass cutter


- Replaced dryer with lower energy model

- Replaced all basement windows with glass block

- Created a flower garden in the back yard

- Bought a low energy BBQ

- Created a basement kitchen using extra cabinets and leftover counter from the new main floor kitchen

- Re-used half of the old oven for storage of tools 


- Installed new metal front door

- Replaced older fridge, dishwasher, stove & oven with lower energy models

- Began to use cloth shopping bags


- Installed new windows on main floor

- Installed first glass block window

- Installed weatherstripping around all windows & doors


- Received a composter for food waste


- Received blue box

- Began to put all papers, boxes, bottles and cans in blue box

- Held first annual garage sale and then donated leftover items to charity


- Began to recycle leaves and sticks by using new clear plastic bags

Prior to 1988 :

- Reused plastic bottles & containers for storage

- Reused parcel bags & bubble wrap

- Reused boxes

- Reused gift paper, boxes & bags

- Reused clear bags from magazines for storage

- Reused old wood leftover from renovations

- Donated old toys, clothes, books, household items and furnicture to charity

- Used products right up till they are gone

- Used both sides of paper to write on

- Never used spray on lawns

- Never owned a car

- Always used public transport to get around





Prince's Council

Queen's Portrait

Diamond Jubilee




